part has a range from 0.817 to 0.822 at the frequency range from 0.23 to 0.38 THz.Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show experimental results when only one side is not optically excited and optically excited, respectively. Without light excitation, the measured transmission characteristic of the novel terahertz wave attenuator is shown in Figure 3(a). At this time, the high-resistivity silicon is a lossless dielectric material at terahertz wave. When the high-resistivity silicon wafer is optically excited, the free carriers are generated, and the silicon wafer becomes a lossy dielectric. Figure 3(b) shows the measured transmission characteristic of the novel terahertz wave attenuator with light excitation. A better than 10-dB attenuation with a 15% bandwidth of the center frequency (0.30 THz) is obtained at terahertz frequency range from 0.23 to 0.38 THz.
CONCLUSIONA novel terahertz wave attenuator based on a high-resistivity silicon wafer is demonstrated at terahertz wave region by using experiment. The proposed terahertz wave attenuator has high extinction ratio, simplicity, small size, and low cost. It has a potential application to forthcoming terahertz wave communication systems. ABSTRACT: A planar antenna is presented as part of a Signal Identification System working at 1.06 GHz. The antenna presents a monopulse radiation pattern. Likewise, a scanning of the main beam direction is achieved in a Ϯ45°azimuth coverage. A limited 3 dB amplitude drop of the received signal at the edges of the angular scanning area is only permitted. Furthermore, a broad beamwidth is required in the single element of the array. A rectangular linearly polarized double stacked patch has been then designed, with a significant size reduction in the nonresonant length, to increase the azimuth beamwidth of the array single element. The whole antenna structure is composed of 18 elements, which have been distributed in six columns of three patches per column. The feeding network of the array has been developed in microstrip technology, with small individual circuits connected by coaxial cables, to reduce the global losses of the system. The designed compact antenna and the transmitting and receiving equipments will be placed inside a POD on the top part of an airplane. A prototype antenna has been manufactured and measured in three different beam pointing directions. Satisfactory results have been achieved in the entire frequency band. ABSTRACT: This letter presents an alternative implementation of the time domain adaptive integral method (TD-AIM) for solving combined field integral equation (CFIE) pertinent to electromagnetic surface scattering phenomena. We use the cubic spline as temporal basis function and analytically remove the rot operator from the integrals of far-zone interactions. Furthermore, we decompose the huge 4D FFT into several smaller ones in time domain. Consequently, the TD-CFIE can be solved with relatively littler memory and computational resources accurately. Simulation results have been presented and demonstrated the effectiv...