An adequate monitoring and control of water production and distribution systems is essential for operating the system efficiently, avoiding water losses and preventing damage to the system. Usually this is achieved by SCADA systems. But SCADA systems are technically complex and expensive. They are often not affordable for small water utilities. Their systems are operated with a very low level of automatization and monitoring causing inefficient operation, water loss or even interruption of service. The Internet of Things concept is very promising to realize a cost-effective tool for monitoring and control of water systems. The potential of this approach is investigated in the research project IoT.H2O funded in the WaterJPI call IC4WATER. In the paper, the concept of the IoT system for monitoring and control of water supply systems is explained. Special gateways and IoT devices have been developed which communicate with the IoT platform by the LoRaWAN network protocol or WiFi. It is shown how a pump test rig can be controlled with these devices. Also, results of field installations in a water distribution system in Germany are presented. Moreover, it is shown how data from existing SCADA systems and results from network simulations with EPANET can be included in the IoT system and how the data can be processed and evaluated by the IoT platform. By combining the data of different systems, the developed IoT system provides the user a cost-effective tool for monitoring and control of a water system.