In many Asian populations, the commonest form of severe thalassemia results from the coinheritance of HbE and  thalassemia. The management of this disease is particularly difficult because of its extreme clinical diversity; although some genetic and adaptive factors have been identified as phenotypic modifiers, the reasons remain unclear. Because the role of the environment in the course of severe thalassemia has been neglected completely and because malaria due to both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax has been prevalent in Sri Lanka, we carried out a pilot study of patients with HbE  thalassemia that showed high frequencies of antibodies to both parasite species and that 28.6% of the children had DNA-based evidence of current infection with P. vivax. Malarial antibodies then were assessed in patients with HbE  thalassemia compared with those in age-matched controls. There was a significant increase in the frequency of antibodies in the thalassemic patients, particularly against P. vivax and in young children. There was also a higher frequency in those who had been splenectomized compared with those with intact spleens, although in the latter it was still higher than that in the controls. The thalassemic patients showed significant correlations between malaria antibody status and phenotype. Patients with HbE  thalassemia may be more prone to malaria, particularly P. vivax, which is reflected in their clinical severity. Because P. vivax malaria is widespread in Asia, further studies of its interaction with HbE  thalassemia and related diseases are required urgently as a part of ongoing thalassemia control programs. I n excess of 300,000 babies have been estimated recently to be born each year with a serious inherited hemoglobin disorder (1). In sub-Saharan Africa, the main diseases of this type result from HbS or ␣ thalassemia. Throughout the Mediterranean region and the Middle East, ␣ and  thalassemia predominate, although the sickle-cell gene occurs in the oasis populations of Saudi Arabia and extends to some of the tribal groups in India, where  thalassemia also occurs at a high frequency (2). In the eastern parts of the Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, and in other parts of Southeast Asia, HbE is by far the most common hemoglobin variant (2), although both ␣ and  thalassemia also occur at variable frequencies. Because HbE is synthesized at a reduced rate, it behaves phenotypically like a mild form of  thalassemia (3). Because of its extremely high frequency, reaching a 70% carrier rate in some populations, it often is found in the compound heterozygous state with  thalassemia, a condition called HbE  thalassemia. This is the most common severe form of thalassemia in many Asian countries; in Thailand, for example, there are estimated to be Ϸ100,000 patients with this disease, and in Bangladesh, there are estimated to be twice this number (4, 5).One of the extraordinary features of HbE  thalassemia, and one that makes its control and management extremely difficult, is it...