Abstract. The images obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM) originate from a convolution of atomic tip and sample states. Since the vertical resolution of AFM is approaching the picometer level, the atomic and subatomic structure of the tip is becoming increasingly important. Here, we demonstrate the preparation of crystallographically oriented AFM tips by breaking a silicon wafer along its preferential cleavage planes. Assuming bulk termination, the front atom of this tip should expose a single dangling bond. Images derived with this tip are consistent with this speculated tip geometry and show unprecedented vertical distinction of the six different surface atom sites of the Si(111)-(7 × 7) structure. 07.79.Lh; 34.20.Cf; 68.37.E Recently, sub-atomic resolution on the surface of silicon (111)-(7 × 7) with frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) [1] has been demonstrated. The subatomic structure of the adatom images was attributed to a tip with a very special symmetry: a tip with a front atom exposing two unsaturated bonds. The experimental observation at subatomic resolution outlines the importance of both the chemical nature and the geometric orientation of the front atom with respect to its nearest neighbors in the tip. While the preparation of the silicon sample to obtain the 7 × 7 reconstruction is straightforward, the preparation of the tip is more challenging. Here, we report on the construction of a deliberately shaped tip with predetermined crystallographic orientation.
PACS:Most force sensors for AFM are microfabricated, and the crystallographic orientation of the tip is determined by the manufacturing process of the whole cantilever. Typically, the tips of micromachined cantilevers point in the 100 direction of the crystallographic orientation between tip and sample is given by the tilt angle of the cantilever. To assure that the micromachined tip is closer to the flat sample than any other parts of the cantilever and mounting devices, tilt angles between 10 • and 25 • typically have to be applied. The angle between the orientations of tip and sample cannot be freely chosen. This constraint does not apply to force sensors based on a tuning fork ("qPlus" sensor, see Fig. 1 in [3]), since it is possible to attach large tips on these sensors with a deliberate crystallographic orientation.The natural cleavage planes of silicon are (111) planes, since the free surface energy is minimal for this orientation. Each Si-Si bond has a bonding energy of approximately 2.3 eV, and the density of unsaturated bonds (dangling bonds) is 7.8 nm −2 for the (111) orientation and 13.6 nm −2 for the (100) orientation. Therefore, silicon exhibits a very strong preference to form (111) limited planes as boundaries of mesoscopic structures. This is nicely evident in the work of Baumgärtner et al., where silicon has been deposited by molecular beam epitaxy onto a Si (100) wafer through a square shaped 350 nm × 350 nm aperture. The resulting structure was a pyramid with (111) plane boundaries, rather than a pi...