Sputt~ring yields and ejection patterns have been observed during the irradiation of (0001), (1010), and (1120) crystals of Mg, Zn, Zr, and Cd with normally incident 5-keV Ar+ ions. A few observations were made at other energies as well. Except for the (1120) crystals of Zn and Cd, Onderdelinden's sputtering model accounts satisfactorily for the orientation dependence of the yields. With the same exceptions, the model also accounts for the r~ationship of the yields of these hcp metals to those of the, fcc metals AI, Cu. and Ag. The Zn and Cd (1120) crystals show yields about 50% greater than expected from this model. They also show unusual ejection patterns that cannot be related to the undistorted hcp structure. These effe~ts are attribute~ to radi.ation damage. The ot~r crystals show preferred ejection along the directions (1120), (0001), (2023), (4043), and (possibly) (6423). The last three are not closely and uniformly spaced rows of atoms. Their importance in the ejection patterns, as well as the close agreement of hcp and fcc yields, make it unlikely that long sequences of focusing collisions playa significant role in the sputtering of metals.[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: 16 E.