Magnetic excitations in a cycloidal magnet LiCu 2 O 2 are explored using terahertz absorption spectroscopy in magnetic fields up to 12 T. Below the spin ordering temperature, eight optically active transitions are observed in the spin system of LiCu 2 O 2 in the range from 4 to 30 cm −1 . In magnetic field the number of modes increases and the electric polarization flop is seen as a change in magnetic field dependence of mode energies. The polarization dependence of two of the modes in zero magnetic field fits the selection rules for the cycloid tilted by = ͑41Ϯ 1͒°from the bc plane. For the remaining six modes electric and magnetic dipole approximations cannot explain the observed polarization dependence. The electromagnon is not seen in the explored energy range although there is evidence that it could exist below 4 cm −1 .The coupling between magnetic and electric orders in multiferroic materials makes them attractive for technological applications. An especially interesting class of multiferroics is frustrated magnets, where the charge order is driven by the magnetic order 1 and even moderate magnetic fields are sufficient to select between different magnetic ground states and change the charge order due to magnetoelectric ͑ME͒ coupling. The ME interaction transfers part of the electric dipole moment of the charge-ordered state to the spin waves enhancing their ability to absorb electromagnetic waves, typically in the terahertz range. 2,3 A priori, the knowledge of the strength of the static ME coupling for a given material does not tell us the strength of the dynamic ME coupling. Therefore, the exploration of terahertz properties is of interest to fully exploit multiferroic materials.The spin cycloid is an example of a frustrated magnetic structure where ME coupling is allowed. In the spin cycloid the electric polarization is induced either through the spin current 4 or the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya ͑DM͒ interaction mechanism. 5,6 In a one-dimensional chain of spins along the y axis with spins rotating in the yz plane, the electric polarization P = ͑0,0, P͒ is perpendicular to the cycloidal ordering vector Q = ͑0,Q ,0͒ and perpendicular to the normal of the spin rotation plane, P ϰ Q ϫ ͑S i ϫ S i+1 ͒ ͓see Fig. 1͑b͔͒. The orientation of the spin rotation plane is determined by anisotropic interactions, such as easy-plane anisotropy or DM interaction. Several multiferroic materials have a cycloidal spin order: TbMnO 3 , DyMnO 3 , 7-9 Ni 3 V 2 O 8 , 10 LiCu 2 O 2 , 11 LiVCuO 4 , 12 and CuO. 13 Although LiCu 2 O 2 seems to be a good model system with prevailing one dimensionality of its magnetism, the connection between the electric polarization and the underlying magnetic structure is not well understood.The structure of LiCu 2 O 2 , shown in Fig. 1͑a͒, contains Cu-O chains extending along the crystallographic b axis. The chains form a zigzag Cu 2+ S =1/ 2 spin ladder with the ladder plane tilted out from the bc plane. 14 The ladders in the planes, stacked along the c axis, have an alternating tilt angle of...