PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 19 MAY 1975 ably caused by the interband transition due to the pseudopotentials U in and U 200 with vertical transitions at 0.4 and 1.5 eV. 21 The influence of the band splitting and the relative difference between interband and intraband transitions become less when the energy transfer to an electron exceeds the band splittings. Therefore, it is expected that the plasmon dispersion will eventually, for increasing k, be well described within the jellium model-as is indeed the case. When k increases further and equals a Brillouin-zone-boundary vector, there is the theoretical possibility of the splitting of the plasmon dispersion curve and the formation of plasmon bands. 22 ' 23 Our measurements 24 did not unravel this effect. For still greater k, the short-range correlation between the electrons influences the dispersion of the plasmon. 6 * 25 We thank J. Hohberger for valuable assistance and discussions, H. Lamvan for the preparation of the epitaxial Al films, and M. Car dona for a discussion.