We show that the Coulomb barrier at the quark surface of a hot strange star may be a powerful source of e 1 e 2 pairs which are created in an extremely strong electric field of the barrier and flow away from the star. The luminosity in the outflowing pair plasma depends on the surface temperature T S and may be very high, up to ϳ3 3 10 51 ergs s 21 at T S ϳ 10 11 K. The effect of pair creation by the Coulomb barrier may be a good observational signature of strange stars which can give an answer to the question of whether a compact object is a neutron or strange star. [S0031-9007 (97)05046-1] PACS numbers: 97.60. -s, 12.38.MhWith the discovery of pulsars and their identification with the neutron stars, many people thought that neutron star matter is the ground state of matter at high density. Later, this belief was challenged by Witten [1]. He proposed that strange matter made of quarks is the ground state at ultrahigh density. If Witten's hypothesis is true, then neutron stars with a sufficiently high central density may transform themselves into strange stars [2]. In this case, at least some part of the compact objects known to astronomers as pulsars, powerful accreting x-ray sources, x-ray bursters, soft g-ray repeaters, etc. might be strange stars, not neutron stars as is usually assumed [2,3]. In principle, the question of whether compact objects are neutron or strange stars can be answered by comparing the core density of a neutron star to the strange matter transition density. Unfortunately, all the nuclear-physics calculations to date do not yield a definitive answer. As to available data on pulsars and other compact objects, they are not able to give us an answer either [4]. This is because the bulk properties of models of strange and neutron stars of masses that are typical for neutron stars, 1 & M͞M Ø & 1.8, are relatively similar. The situation changes, however, as regards the possibility that strange quark matter with the density of ϳ4 3 10 14 g cm 23 may be, by hypothesis, the absolute ground state of the strong interaction (i.e., absolutely stable with respect to 26 Fe) and can exist up to the surface of strange stars. This differs qualitatively from the case of the neutron star surface and opens a unique possibility to observe a superdense quark matter."Normal" matter (ions and electrons) may be at the quark surface of strange stars. The ions in the inner layer are supported against the gravitational attraction to the underlying strange star by a very strong electric field of the Coulomb barrier in the quark surface vicinity (see below). There is an upper limit to the amount of normal matter at the quark surface, DM & 10 25 M Ø [5]. Such a massive envelope of normal matter with DM ϳ 10 25 M Ø completely obscures the quark surface. However, it was pointed out [6] that a strange star at the moment of its formation is very hot. The temperature in the interior of such a star may be as high as a few 310 11 K. The rate of mass ejection from an envelope of such a hot strange star is very high [7], and if ...