Edge magnetoplasma excitations in a two-dimensional electron system have been studied in radiofrequency experiments which exhibit a strong nonlocal behavior of the plasmon dispersion. The nonlocality is shown to be caused by the diagonal conductivity GXX, which, via a length IOZCTXX, governs the spatial distribution of the plasma charge oscillations in the direction perpendicular to the plasmon wave vector, i.e., to the edge of the two-dimensional layer.PACS numbers: 7I.45.Gm, 73.20.Dx, 73.20.Mf The collective excitation spectrum of an electronic system at large wave vectors q is governed by well-known nonlocal effects [1]. Nonlocal effects are of the order (qvf/cop)^, where Vf is the Fermi velocity and cOp is the "local" plasmon frequency, and are usually rather small. Here we report on a very different, large nonlocal effect on the plasmon dispersion which is a unique property of a finite-size two-dimensional electron system (2DES) when the edges become important. We have observed this nonlocal effect in magnetic-field experiments on two-dimensional electron systems of macroscopic size (1x1 cm^) for the low-frequency {l7if<^cOc) branch of the plasma excitations, i.e., the edge magnetoplasmons (EMP). The nonlocal effect arises from a significant influence of the diagonal conductivity Oxx on the EMP excitation which has not previously been observed. It can be characterized by a length l^^Oxxy which is related to the spatial extent of the plasma charge oscillations in the direction perpendicular to the plasmon wave vector, i.e., to the edge of a 2DES. It represents a kind of "transverse" nonlocality in contrast to the "longitudinal" nonlocality discussed above and also occurs for very small values of q.EMP excitations have recently attracted much attention due to their unique properties, in particular, a surprisingly small damping which also occurs for the condition 2;r/T <^ 1, where r is the B =0 momentum relaxation time [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. The EMP frequency/EMP has been calculated by different authors [10][11][12][13] and is shown to be essentially proportional to the Hall conductivity Oxy and the wave vector q=^l7tn/P, where AZ = 1,2, ..., is the mode index and P is the perimeter of the finite-size 2DES. The theories in Refs. [10,11] include nonlocal efitects and, in spite of their different underlying physical models, give practically the same form for /EMP which is, if we neglect single-particle effects, density oscillations are concentrated in a very small region close to the edge. The interesting point for a 2DES is that the oscillating charge cannot be concentrated in a local ^-function "line" (which would lead to logarithmic divergences in the potential and electrostatic energy) [11]. This is a unique property of a 2DES and in contrast to surface plasmons at the surface of a 3DES (neglecting the spatial dispersion). Thus the oscillating charges of edge plasmons are inherently distributed over a certain region perpendicular to the edge and respond in a nonlocal manner. The calculation of this ...