Advanced simulations and calculations on quantum computers require high fidelity implementations of quantum circuits. The universal gateset approach builds complex unitaries from many gates drawn from a small set of calibrated high-fidelity primitive gates, which results in a lower combined fidelity. Compiling a complex unitary for processors with higher-dimensional logical elements, such as qutrits, exacerbates the accumulated error per unitary because a longer gate sequence is needed. Optimal control methods promise time-and resource-efficient compact gate sequences and, therefore, higher fidelity. These methods generate pulses that can, in principle, directly implement any complex unitary on a quantum device. In this work, we demonstrate that any arbitrary qutrit gate can be realized with high fidelity. We generated and tested pulses for a large set of randomly selected arbitrary unitaries on two separate qutrit-compatible processors, LLNL Quantum Device and Integration Testbed (QuDIT)'s standard QPU and Rigetti Aspen-11, achieving an average fidelity around 99 %. We show that the optimal control gates do not require recalibration for at least three days and the same calibration parameters can be used for all implemented gates. Our work shows that the calibration overheads for optimal control gates can be made small enough to enable efficient quantum circuits based on this technique.