Article citation info: (*) Tekst artykułu w polskiej wersji językowej dostępny w elektronicznym wydaniu kwartalnika na stronie
Krystian szoPAMarek IwAnIEc Joanna IwAnIEc identificAtion of technicAl condition of the overheAd power line supporting structure identyfikAcjA stAnu technicznego konstrukcji wsporczej nApowietrznej linii elektroenergetycznej*Technical diagnostics of the overhead power line supporting structures is very important from the point of view of reliability and the national energy security. The paper presents a method of identification of technical condition of power line supporting structures. The technique is based on testing the correlation between the change of stress in the system and the change of modal parameters caused by damage. Presented approach is comprehensive and accounts for a number of problems related to the diagnostics of large-size objects of complex geometry. The basic advantage of the developed identification algorithm of the overhead power line supporting structures technical condition is low sensitivity to measurement errors, which is very important in the context of exploitational diagnostics.