The present investigation has eliminated the possibility of the presence of a cis isomer in the solid phnse, and there is no indication of a second isomer in the liquid or vapor phase. Bloom and Sutton encountered some difficulty in purification of their sample and at least two of their runs produced erratic results. They suggested that the work should be rechecked using a sample purified by a different technique but were not able to continue the project because of the war. In light of the spectroscopic evidence and the element of doubt in the dipole moment measurements, the conclusion that biacetyl exists in only the trans, configuration in all phases seems justified.
ConclusionsVibrational assignments have satisfactorily been made for solid biacetyl according to Cth symmetry. Spectra of the liquid :md vapor phascs show no indicntion of : L second isomeric form, and it is concluded that the nonbonded forces betwoen hnlogcns which stabilize the cis isomer of the oxnlyl hdides are not present hctwoen bhe methyls of biacetyl. Thc mulunl exclusion between infrared :md Raman spectra of crystalline biacetyl necessitates :I centrosymmetric structure and the space group is probably C2A or D2,,. The splitting of tlhe Raman-active librational modes :wid the :rppcar:mce of translational bands in the far-infrared spectrum indicate that there are at least two and possibly four molecules per unit cell. The barrier to methyl rotation has been calculated to be 2.65 ltcal/mol, considerably higher than those found for other acetyl compounds.The far-infrared spectra of CHaPC1,, CHsPOCI,, CHaPOFCl, CHIPOF,, and CHaPSClr in the solid and gaseous states have been recorded from 33 to 350 cm-1. Methyl torsional modes were observed in the aolid state for all compounds except CHaPOFCl. The Raman spectra of CH3PC12, CHaPOF2, and CH31'SCl, in the solid state were recorded and torsional frequencies were observed for CH3PC12 and CH3PS('l,. The wave numbers for these internal rotations were 228, 264, 240, and 221 cni-1 for the CH3PC12, CH3POC12, CH8POF2, and CH&'SClt molecules, respectively. The threefold barriers calculated from these assignments arc 3.4, 4.4, 3.6, and 3.2 kcal/mol, respectively. These barrier values are compared with those previously reported for other organophosphorus compounds. TJattice modes were observed in the wave number range 65-1 20 cin-' in the far-infrared spectra for all compounds.