When current flows through a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ), there is spin accumulation at the electrode-barrier interfaces if the magnetic moments of the two ferromagnetic electrodes are not aligned. Here we report that such nonequilibrium spin accumulation generates its own characteristic low frequency noise (LFN). Past work viewed the LFN in MTJs as an equilibrium effect arising from resistance fluctuations (SR) which a passively applied current (I) converts to measurable voltage fluctuations (SV = I 2 SR). We treat the LFN associated with spin accumulation as a nonequilibrium effect, and find that the noise power can be fitted in terms of the spin-polarized current by SI f = aI coth() − ab, resembling the form of the shot noise for a tunnel junction, but with current now taking the role of the bias voltage, and spin-flip probability taking the role of tunneling probability.Low frequency noise (LFN), often appearing as 1/f noise, is known to exist in both AlO x -based [1, 2] and MgO-based MTJs [3,4]. So far it was believed to be an equilibrium noise such as that observed in various semiconductor devices and disordered metal films [5][6][7]. With the assumption of equilibrium conductance or resistance fluctuations, mobility and carrier number fluctuations are the two apparent reasons while the microscopic origin varies in different cases. Although recently there was evidence [8] of excess shot noise induced by nonequilibrium spin accumulation which is proportional to the spin current, this observation seems irrelevant to the general perception that the LFN in magnetic materials is an essentially equilibrium phenomenon, which has no explicit connection to the spin-polarized current. Here we show this general perception is wrong and the LFN in MTJs is indeed driven by the spin-polarized current.It was through LFN measurements that Hardner et al.[9] first demonstrated the fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) in a magnetic system, metallic giant magnetoresistance (GMR) multilayers where the LFN peaks at magnetic fields maximizing the GMR derivative. The connection of the FDR to the LFN was later extended to MTJs [1] by assuming that magnetic fluctuations in the FM electrodes cause the fluctuations of resistance [10]. For this reason such field-sensitive LFN is also called magnetoresistive noise, sometimes simply called magnetic noise, which can be enhanced by annealing [11]. There is also a field-insensitive LFN ascribed to defect motion or charge trapping in the barrier and/or at the interface between the barrier and electrodes, sometimes called electronic noise, which decreases after annealing [12]. This electronic noise is also called barrier resistance noise, which is again an equilibrium effect.However, we find that MTJs driven far away from equilibrium can have a characteristic LFN distinct from that described by the FDR. Instead, in the presence of nonequilibrium spin accumulation, the noise power spectral density (PSD) of the LFN exhibits shot noise like dependence on the total current [13],where S I is ...