The energy needed to deform an elastic solid may be recovered, while in Newtonian fluids, like water and glycerol, deformation energy dissipates on timescales of the intermolecular relaxation time
. For times considerably longer than
the existence of shear elasticity requires long-range correlations, which challenge our understanding of the liquid state. We investigated laser-driven free surface bubbles in liquid glycerol by analyzing their expansion and bursting dynamics, in which we found a flow-dominating, rubber-like elasticity unrelated to surface tension forces. In extension to findings of a measurable liquid elasticity at even very low deformation frequencies [L. Noirez, P. Baroni,
J. Mol. Struct.
, 16–21 (2010), A. Zaccone, K. Trachenko,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
, 19653–19655 (2020)], that is difficult to access under increased strain, we find a robust, strain rate driven elasticity. The recovery of deformation energy allows the bursting bubble to reach Taylor–Culick velocities 20-fold higher than expected. The elasticity is persistent for microseconds, hence four orders of magnitude longer than
. The dynamic shows that this persistence cannot originate from the far tail of a distribution of relaxation times around
but must appear by frustrating the short molecular dissipation. The longer time should be interpreted as a relaxation of collective modes of metastable groups of molecules. With strain rates of 10
, we observe a metastable glycerol shell exhibiting a rubber-like solid behavior with similar elasticity values and characteristic tolerance toward large strains, although the molecular interaction is fundamentally different.