The Great Australian Bight(GAB) has been subjected to exploration for the past five decades with no major hydrocarbon discoveries, and could be defined as a new frontier for oil and gas development. BP has recently committed to a drilling campaign in the region and establishing key infrastructure indicating potential for a significant hydrocarbon discovery. The key challenges for developing in this area are; ➢Remoteness–Closest population 300km away, nearest oil & gas infrastructure +1,000km away➢Deep water – Area explored range from 1,000m to 3,000m➢Harsh Environment–100yr storm estimate significant wave height 13m, period 12s, andcurrent 1m/s➢Limited information for long term modelling of the environment
This paper has focused on the evaluating different development options against the challenges, with mostof the data being based upon public information from BP drill sites. The focus of the technical feasibility assessment is on the potential production mechanism used to enable the development i.e. fixed or floating platform or other facility. This conceptual review forms the preliminary basis for concept selection for a field in this new and environmentally highly sensitive area and as such it is expected that several potential offshore development options are to be presented.