Copy flghl 1996 %x,ely of Petroleum Engineers, IncTh!s -r w= prqad for presentation at the lA@SPE Onlhng Cmferen6u heti m New Orbans, USA 12.15 Mafd! 1% l%m paper was salmed for Mascmtatlon ty m SPE Program COmmtiOO tollowmg mwaw cd mlormatlon contambd In an abstract by the author(s) Contents of Ihe paper, as presented, have nti Won mvmwmd by ihe .socmty o+ Pmrolaum Engineers and are subjected to mrrection by the autlmr(s) The tiewd, = Premented, doet not nemaawdy relkt any mwtmn C4the Sccmiy of Petroleum Engneem, is ofkem,orrmntws Pawn pmsantec al SW l?u3tlnq meWbpdadtoPhltitmnby Edd.nal Comrmtaes d the Smcdy O( Petroleum Engmews Pemmsmn to m q reotnctad to an alxtmd 01 nti mow Ihan 300 words Illuslrat!ons may not be ccpmd The abstract should contain conspmous acknowhdgement of wiwe and by whom the papvr was presented Wrae L[brarmn, SPE, P O BOX 632836 Rchwdson, TX 75CSXM36 U S A, fax 01-214.952-9435
ABSTRACTThe Iithology of the North West of Argentina presents two major portions where PDC bits have not succeeded in the past. The first~rtion was mainly made up of alternating sands and shafes with s~t zones of conglomerates erotically encountered. The second portion was made of dense shales and cemented sandstone stringers, with allemandes of limestones. In spite of acceptable performance on the top potion, conventional PDC bits faced premature failures when the compacted sandstones and limestones were faced. Reek bit performances were usually in the range of+ 6 to 7 m/h and the footage around 360 m. The section was drilled with five to six bits for a total drilling time of 220 hours. The introduction of a new generation of PDC bits aflowed to triple the ROP and increase by five times the potential footage. This paper desenbes the methodology and shows the efficiency of a good partnership between the operator and the service company; a good level of communication. a knowledge of muNat skitls and expectations. as well a!!a prompt reaction horn both sides led to the definition of a reliable product using the latest developments of the PDC bit technology : q the ability to control the quality of the PDC cutters, q the use of an advanced cutter lay out defined by 3-D software, q the use of CFD code for optimized cleaning and cooling, q the mastering of vibration reducing features, including spirafled blades etc, Savings in the range of 200,000$ per well were recorded at the fiist trial of a drifling program. Fine tuning of the technology and parameters now allow savings beyond 350,000$ per well. A 1 CT To As% 1w 448 4C6 5994