This thesis studies the design of low-complexity soft-decision Non-Binary LowDensity Parity-Check (NB-LDPC) decoding algorithms and their corresponding hardware architectures suitable for decoding high-rate codes at high throughput (hundreds of Mbps and Gbps).In the first part of the thesis the main aspects concerning to the NB-LDPC codes are analyzed, including a study of the main bottlenecks of conventional softdecision decoding algorithms (Q-ary Sum of Products (QSPA), Extended MinSum (EMS), Min-Max and Trellis-Extended Min-Sum (T-EMS)) and their corresponding hardware architectures. Despite the limitations of T-EMS algorithm (high complexity in the Check Node (CN) processor, wiring congestion due to the high number of exchanged messages between processors and the inability to implement decoders over high-order Galois fields due to the high decoder complexity), it was selected as starting point for this thesis due to its capability to reach high-throughput.Taking into account the identified limitations of the T-EMS algorithm, the second part of the thesis includes six papers with the results of the research made in order to mitigate the T-EMS disadvantages, offering solutions that reduce the area, the latency and increase the throughput compared to previous proposals from literature without sacrificing coding gain. Specifically, five low-complexity decoding algorithms are proposed, which introduce simplifications in different parts of the decoding process. Besides, five complete decoder architectures are designed and implemented on a 90nm Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The results show an achievement in throughput higher than 1Gbps and an area less than 10 mm 2 . The increase in throughput is 120% and the reduction in area is 53% compared to previous implementations of T-EMS, for the (837,726) NB-LDPC code over GF(32). The proposed decoders reduce the CN area, latency, wiring between CN and Variable Node (VN) processor and the number of storage elements required in the decoder. Considering that these proposals improve both area and speed, the efficiency parameter (Mbps / Million iii NAND gates) is increased in almost five times compared to other proposals from literature.The improvements in terms of area allow us to implement NB-LDPC decoders over high-order fields which had not been possible until now due to the highcomplexity of decoders previously proposed in literature. Therefore, we present the first post-place and route report for high-rate codes over high-order fields higher than Galois Field (GF)(32). For example, for the (1536,1344) NB-LDPC code over GF (64)
ResumenEn esta tesis se aborda el estudio del diseño de algoritmos de baja complejidad para la decodificación de códigos de comprobación de paridad de baja densidad no binarios (NB-LDPC) y sus correspondientes arquitecturas apropiadas para decodificar códigos de alta tasa a altas velocidades (cientos de Mbps y Gbps).En la primera parte de la tesis los principales aspectos concernientes a los códi-gos NB-LDPC s...