Wireless sensor networks are an increasingly popular application area for embedded systems. Individual sensor nodes within a network are typically resource-constrained, event-driven, and require a high degree of concurrency. This combination of requirements motivated the development of the widely used TinyOS sensor node operating system. The TinyOS concurrency model is a lightweight nonpreemptive system designed to suit the needs of typical sensor network applications. Although the TinyOS concurrency model is easier to reason about than preemptive threads, it can still give rise to undesirable behavior due to unexpected interleavings of related tasks, or unanticipated preemption by interrupt handlers. To aid TinyOS developers in understanding the behavior of their programs we have developed a technique for using the process algebra Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) to model the interactions between TinyOS components, and between an application and the TinyOS scheduling and preemption mechanisms. Analysis of the resulting models can help TinyOS developers to discover and diagnose concurrency-related errors in their designs that might otherwise go undetected until after the application has been widely deployed. Such analysis is particularly valuable for the TinyOS components that are used as building blocks for a large number of other applications, since a subtle or sporadic error in a widely deployed building block component could be extremely costly to repair.
ACM Reference Format:McInnes, A. I. 2013. Modeling and analysis of TinyOS sensor node firmware: A CSP approach. ACM Trans.