Spin-coating of chalcogenide glass is a low-cost, scalable method to create optical grade thin films, which are ideal for visible and infrared applications. In this paper, we study the influence of annealing on optical parameters of As 2 S 3 films by examining UV-visible and infrared spectroscopy and correlating the results to changes in the physical properties associated with solvent removal. Evaporation of excess solvent results in a more highly coordinated, denser glass network with higher index and lower absorption. Depending on the annealing temperature and time, index values ranging from n = 2.1 to the bulk value (n = 2.4) can be obtained, enabling a pathway to materials optimization. 275-284 (1987). 19. S. Shtutina, M. Klebanov, S. R. V. Lyubin, and V. Volterra, "Photoinduced phenomena in spin-coated vitreous As2S3 and AsSe films," Thin Solid Films 261(1-2), 263-265 (1995). 20. J. Tauc, "Absorption edge and internal electric fields in amorphous semiconductors," Mater. Res. Bull. 5(8), 721-729 (1970). 21. R. Swanepoel, "Determination of the thickness and optical constans of amorphous silicon," J. Phys. E 16(12), 1214-1222 (1983). 22. E. Marquez, J. Ramirez-Malo, P. Villarest, R. Jimenez-Garay, P. J. S. Ewen, and A. E. Owen, "Calculation of the thickness and optical constants of amorphous arsenic sulfide films from their transmission spectra," J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 25(3), 535-541 (1992). 23. S. Wemple, and M. DiDomenico, "Behavior of electronic dielectric constant in covalent and ionic materials,"Phys. Rev. B 3(4), 1338-1351 (1971). 24. S. Wemple, "Refractive-index behavior of amorphous semiconductors and glasses," Phys. Rev. B 7(8), 3767-3777 (1973).