This paper proposes a 3-pole wide-tuning-range, balanced frequency-agile bandpass filter (BAL-FA-BPF) with constant absolute bandwidth (CABW) and 3 transmission zeros (TZs). Under the differential-mode (DM) operation, the cascaded trisection coupling topology with source-load coupling is constructed. Thus, 3 adaptive TZs are generated for the DM responses, which improves the passband selectivity and stopband suppression. Under the common-mode (CM) operation, the short stubs and lumped elements are added at the symmetric plane which effectively improves the CM suppression. Using the advanced matrix synthesis, a demonstrative BAL-FA-BPF is designed with stable CABW and controlled by single-DC-bias. The measured frequency tuning range of the DM passband is 2.0 to 3.0 GHz (40%) and 3 dB-bandwidth is kept at 174 AE 3 MHz (AE1.7%). The CM suppression is better than 25 dB. K E Y W O R D S balanced frequency-agile bandpass filter, constant absolute bandwidth, element variable coupling matrix, single-DC-bias control, 3 transmission zeros, tunable three-pole resonator-coupled filter