High-spin states in the odd-odd 128 I have been studied experimentally using the 124 Sn( 7 Li, 3nγ ) 128 I reaction at beam energies of 28 and 32 MeV. A level scheme built on the known T 1/2 = 175 ns, (6 − ) isomer has been established. The low-lying states in the level scheme have been proposed to be associated with the πd 5/2 ⊗ νh 11/2 and πg 7/2 ⊗ νh 11/2 two-quasiparticle excitations. The strongly populated negative-parity states, forming a bandlike structure, have been assigned to be based on the πg 7/2 ⊗ νh 11/2 configuration. The πh 11/2 ⊗ νh 11/2 multiplet 9 + , 10 + , and 11 + members have been identified according to the systematics of the corresponding level structures observed in the lighter odd-odd iodine isotopes. The two-quasiparticle configuration assignments are supported by the nucleon pair approximation and empirical shell-model calculations.