The microscopic mechanism of photon detection in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors is still under debate. We present a simple but powerful theoretical model that allows us to identify essential differences between competing detection mechanisms. The model is based on quasi-particle multiplication and diffusion after the absorption of a photon. We then use the calculated spatial and temporal evolution of this quasi-particle cloud to determine detection criteria of three distinct detection mechanisms, based on the formation of a normal conducting spot, the reduction of the effective depairing critical current below the bias current, and a vortex-crossing scenario, respectively. All our calculations as well as a comparison to experimental data strongly support the vortex-crossing detection mechanism by which vortices and antivortices enter the superconducting strip from the edges and subsequently traverse it thereby triggering the detectable normal conducting domain. These results may therefore help to reveal the microscopic mechanism responsible for the detection of photons in superconducting nanowires. V C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.