“…To pro tect sen si tive data, pro posed in spec tion meth ods pri mar ily em ploy in for ma tion bar rier technol o gies, such as low-res o lu tion gamma ra di a tion imag ing [6], zero knowl edge pro to col [7,8], and res onance flu o res cence tech nique with en crypted foils [9]. Most meth ods pro posed so far are still vul ner a ble to spoof ing or leak ing sen si tive in for ma tion [10]: -the slightly in tru sive ver i fi ca tion tech nol ogy can eas ily iden tify fraud sce nar ios, but it in creases the risk of sen si tive in for ma tion be ing leaked, -as a re sult of the com plex elec tronic cir cuit sys tem, the mea sure ment data is more vul ner a ble to eavesdrop ping and tam per ing, and -the lim ited in for ma tion ob tained through the in forma tion bar rier de tec tion leaves the ver i fi ca tion party (in spec tors) with in suf fi cient con fi dence in the authen tic ity of the de clared nu clear war heads, such as through some pas sive mea sure ment tech niques [11].…”