Fabrication of nanostructured ZnO thin films is a critical process for many applications based on semiconductor devices. So on understanding of the electrochemical deposition mechanism is also fundamental for knowing the optimal conditions on growth of ZnO nanorods by electrodeposition. In this paper the electrochemical mechanism for ZnO nanorods formation is studied. Results are based on the evolution of the diffusion coefficient using the Cotrell equation, and different growth models proposed by Scharifcker and Hills for nucleation and growth. A broad range of high-technology applications, ranging from surface acoustic wave filters, photonic crystals, light emitting diodes, photodetectors, photodiodes, optical modulator waveguides, varistors, and gas sensor to solar cells, are based on ZnO nanostructures, due to its wide bandgap, excellent chemical and thermal stability, and its specific electrical and optoelectronic property of being a II-VI semiconductor with a large exciton binding energy. In particular, the electrodeposition technique has advantages over other processes due to its simplicity, low equipment cost and the possibility of obtaining large area thin films. 5 Also electrodeposition is an efficient and reliable technique for preparing ZnO nanocrystallites, nanowires and nanofibers.There have been many reports on the electrodeposition of ZnO using aqueous 6-8 and non aqueous routes. 9 Most of the reported work on electrodeposition was done using solutions based on ZnCl 2 and Zn(NO) 3 , in aqueous solution. Though the temperature required for the synthesis is important, the same as ion concentration, the morphology of the ZnO grown depends really on nucleation leading from unoriented polycrystalline films, 10, 11 to nanorods 6 and sheets. 9 A key issue is the relation of electrochemical variables on nucleation for controlling the morphology of these films.
12The aim of this study is to determine the electrochemical growth mechanism for ZnO nanorods in a ZnCl 2 5 · 10 −3 M, KCl 0.1M solution, at different temperatures. As shown by Pauporté and Lincot 12 the electrochemical reactions that compete in the nucleation stage are:This paper analyzes the kinetic control for both reactions at different temperatures and proposes a nucleation model mechanism for ZnO nanostructures. Through the presented models a better control of electrodeposited ZnO morphology can be attained.
ExperimentalSamples were prepared from ITO sputtered glass (resistivity at room temperature 10 ( /cm 2 ). The substrates were cleaned using ultrasonic agitation in a mixture of distilled water with liquid neutral soap during 10 minutes, rinsing in distilled water for 10 minutes, and finally immersion in isopropanol for 10 minutes prior to drying in nitrogen current. * Electrochemical Society Student Member. z E-mail: mareto@upvnet.upv.esFor the experiment a solution containing the following electrolytes was used: 0,1 M KCl Rectapur purity > 99%), ZnCl2 5 · 10 −3 M (Panreac purity > 98%), and continuous oxygenation by a bubbling flow of 0...