Recently it has been proposed that the long-range electronic order formed by trimerons in magnetite should be frustrated due to the great degeneracy of arrangements linking trimerons. This result has important consequences as charge ordering from the condensed minority band electrons leads to a complex 3D antiferro orbital order pattern. Further more, the corner sharing tetrahedra structure of spinel B-sites supports frustration for antiferromagnetic alignments. Therefore frustration due to competing interactions will itself induce disorder and very likely frustration in the spin orientations. Here we present very low temperature specific heat data that show two deviations to the magnons and phonons contributions, that we analyze in terms of Schottky-type anomalies. The first one is associated with the thermal activation across both ferroelastic twin and ferromagnetic anti-phase domains. The second Schottky-type anomaly displays an inverse (1/H) field dependence which is a direct indication of the disordered glassy network with macroscopically degenerated singular ground states.