[1] Synthetic polycrystalline samples of Fe-Ti oxides (titanomagnetite, Tmt ss ; ilmenite-hematite ss , Ilm ss ; pseudobrookite ss , Psb ss ) are very sensitive to changes in the redox conditions at high temperatures, either during synthesis experiments or during thermomagnetic measurements. For instance, exposure to air for a few seconds at the end of a synthesis run at 1300 C of a Tmt ss -Ilm ss sample produces surficial oxidation down to a depth of some 100 mm. This oxidation zone is well visible on backscattered electron images of polished sections through the sample pellet. It is characterized by so-called trellis "oxyexsolution" textures, i.e., fine lamellae of Ilm ss within the Tmt ss crystals and lamellae of Psb ss within the Ilm ss crystals. In this oxidation zone the newly grown Ilm ss lamellae and the surrounding Tmt ss are more Fe rich than the original crystals. The presence of trellis textures in the crystals of both coexisting phases, Tmt ss and Ilm ss , show that only short-scaled elemental transport within the crystals was involved and that equilibrium was not attained. Even though the oxidation zone is very narrow, the imprint of the new Tmt ss compositions is well recognizable in temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility curves. In temperature-dependent saturation magnetization (M S -T) curves, however, the contribution of more Fe-rich Tmt ss from the oxidation zone can be easily overseen. However, surficial oxidation of Tmt ss does occur during M S -T measurements with a variable field translation balance, apparently in relation with insufficient Ar flowing around the sample. Further examples of rapid surficial oxidation of Fe-Ti oxide samples are also discussed.