Quantum kinetic equations of motion for the description of the exciton spin dynamics in II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells with laser driving are derived. The model includes the magnetic as well as the nonmagnetic carrier-impurity interaction, the Coulomb interaction, Zeeman terms, and the light-matter coupling, allowing for an explicit treatment of arbitrary excitation pulses. Based on a dynamics-controlled truncation scheme, contributions to the equations of motion up to second order in the generating laser field are taken into account. The correlations between the carrier and the impurity subsystems are treated within the framework of a correlation expansion. For vanishing magnetic field, the Markov limit of the quantum kinetic equations formulated in the exciton basis agrees with existing theories based on Fermi's golden rule. For narrow quantum wells excited at the 1s exciton resonance, numerical quantum kinetic simulations reveal pronounced deviations from the Markovian behavior. In particular, the spin decays initially with approximately half the Markovian rate and a non-monotonic decay in the form of an overshoot of up to 10 % of the initial spin polarization is predicted.
I. INTRODCTIONThe idea behind the spintronics paradigm 1-4 is to combine state-of-the-art electronics based on carrier charge with the manipulation and control of the spin degree of freedom [5][6][7] . Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS)8-10 present an interesting subclass of semiconductors in this context because they can be easily combined with current semiconductor technology while at the same time providing a wide range of spin and magnetizationrelated effects and applications [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] . In DMS, a small fraction of magnetic ions, usually Manganese 23 , is introduced into a semiconductor. While III-V compounds such as Ga 1−x Mn x As are typically p-doped 8 and can thus exhibit carrier-mediated ferromagnetism 24 , II-VI materials such as Cd 1−x Mn x Te are found to be intrinsic and paramagnetic due to the isoelectrical incorporation of the Mn impurities.A lot of theoretical works on DMS has been devoted to the understanding of structural properties [25][26][27][28][29][30] . But in many experiments, also the spin dynamics studied via optical pump-probe experiments is of interest 17,18,31 . Theoretical descriptions of such experiments are less developed in the literature and are typically based on rateequation models [12][13][14]17,[31][32][33][34][35] , coinciding with Fermi's golden rule for vanishing magnetic field. However, a number of experiments have provided strong evidence that these models fail to reproduce some of the pertinent characteristics of the spin dynamics in DMS. Most notably, experimentally observed spin-decay rates are found to be a factor of 5 larger than the Fermi's golden rule result for spin-flip scattering of conduction band electrons at magnetic impurities 31 . Camilleri et al. 17 have argued that their optical experiments probe excitons rather than ...