Extensive computations of ground state energies of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass on bonddiluted, hypercubic lattices are conducted in dimensions d = 3, . . . , 7. Results are presented for bond-densities exactly at the percolation threshold, p = pc, and deep within the glassy regime, p > pc, where finding ground-states is one of the hardest combinatorial optimization problems. Finite-size corrections of the form 1/N ω are shown to be consistent throughout with the prediction ω = 1 − y/d, where y refers to the "stiffness" exponent that controls the formation of domain wall excitations at low temperatures. At p = pc, an extrapolation for d → ∞ appears to match our mean-field results for these corrections. In the glassy phase, however, ω does not approach its anticipated mean-field value of 2/3, obtained from simulations of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass on an N -clique graph. Instead, the value of ω reached at the upper critical dimension matches another type of mean-field spin glass models, namely those on sparse random networks of regular degree called Bethe lattices.