Modifying the conventional antiferromagnetic spin-wave theory which is plagued by the difficulty of the zero-field sublattice magnetizations diverging in one dimension, we describe magnetic properties of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets. The modified spin waves, constituting a grand canonical bosonic ensemble so as to recover the sublattice symmetry, not only depict well the ground-state correlations but also give useful information on the finite-temperature properties.PACS numbers: 75.10. Jm, 05.30.Jp, 75.40.Mg Haldane's conjecture [1,2] that one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets should exhibit qualitatively different low-energy structures based on whether the constituent spins are integral or fractional sparked renewed interest in the field of quantum magnetism. An energy gap immediately above the ground state was indeed observed in a quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet Ni(C 2 H 8 N 2 ) 2 NO 2 (ClO 4 ) [3] and a rigorous example of such a massive phase was also found out [4,5]. The energy gaps in magnetic excitation spectra, that is, spin gaps, are now one of the most attractive and important topics. In the context of theoretical progress, we may be reminded of quantized plateaux in the groundstate magnetization curves [6], a dramatic crossover from one-to two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets [7], and an antiferromagnetic excitation gap accompanied by ferromagnetic background [8][9][10][11]. From the experimental point of view, metal oxides such as spin-Peierls compounds Cu 1−x M x GeO 3 (M = Zn, Mg) [12,13], Haldanegap antiferromagnets R 2 BaNiO 5 (R = rare earth) [14] and ladder materials Sr n−1 Cu n+1 O 2n (n = 3, 5, 7, · · ·) [15] have significantly contributed to systematic investigations of the mechanism of gap formation.