We discuss how the crossovers in models like spin-boson model are changed by adding the coupling of the central spin to localised modes-the latter modelled as a 'spin bath'. These modes contain most of the environmental entropy and energy at low T in solid-state systems. We find that the low T crossover between oscillator bath and spin bath dominated decoherence, occurring as one reduces the energy scale of the central spin, is characterised by very low decoherence-we show how this works out in practise in magnetic insulators. We then reconsider the standard quantum-classical crossover in the dynamics of a tunneling system, including both spin and oscillator baths. It is found that the general effect of the spin bath is to broaden the crossover in temperature between the quantum and classical activated regimes. The example of tunneling nanomagnets is used to illustrate this. The oscillator bath models assume that each bath mode is weakly perturbed, and then the description of the bath by oscillators is well known to be correct. Many physical systems are very accurately described by such models [1,3,4,6], and they are central to much of reaction rate chemistry as well. Typically one studies either a particle tunneling from a trapped state to an open continuum of states (the dissipative tunneling problem), or a doublewell system in which a particle has to go from one well to another (the dissipative 2-well problem). One has a range of temperatures in which both activation and tunneling processes are important. Both the width of the crossover regime and the detailed dependence of transition rates, as a function of temperature and applied bias, are of interest [1,5]. In the 2 well problem, the 'quantum limit', where only the 2 lowest levels of the 2-well system are relevant (assuming a weak bias between the wells), has been studied very extensively. This is the 'spin-boson model', in which a 2-level system couples to the oscillator environment.Another interesting application of the spin-boson model is to the problem of qubits in quantum information processing (QUIP). The central issue here is the study of decoherence in the dynamics of the qubit, and how it depends on both simple things like applied fields, temperature, etc., and in a more complex way on the de-