We present results of transport and magnetic properties of three single--crystalline samples of the intermediate valence small-gap semiconductor SmB6 at low temperatures. The received resistivity dependences of the samples below 0.5 K exhibit an activated behavior with an energy gap of a few mK. The temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility show an increase below 15 K which can be accounted for by impurities, by bare Sm3+ ions or by a small amount of in-gap magnetic 4f 5 5d1 states.PACS numbers: 75.20.Ηr, 71.28. -+ d Samarium hexaboride is a typical representative of intermediate valence semiconductors and is considered as an example of a Kondo insulator [1][2][3][4]. Almost three decades after the first investigations on this material [5], a large number of detailed and comprehensive studies of SmB 6 have been performed. However, many fundamental properties of SmB 6 such as the electrical conductivity and the behavior of magnetic susceptibility at lower temperatures are not fully understood. The resistivity p(T) is slightly temperature dependent down to 50 K below which it starts to increase exponentially [1,5] due to the opening of a hybridization gap in the density of states. Between 15 K and 5 K it can be described by an exponential increase p(T) α exp(-Δ 0 /kΒ Τ), with an activation energy Δ 0 of a few meV [1,[5][6][7][8][9]. However, there exists disagreement about the temperature dependence of p below about 4 K and about the origin of the observed residual conductivity. The residual conductivity has been interpreted in terms of the minimum conductivity [7], as a Wigner lattice formation [9], or attributed to surface states [10]. Thermally activated behavior and hopping transport have been proposed to account for the temperature dependence [5,9] in this temperature range. The magnetic susceptibility reveals the characteristic features of an intermediate valence compound: a Curie-Weiss like susceptibility at temperatures above 100 K indicating a local-moment behavior, and a temperature independent susceptibility at low temperatures due to a nonmagnetic 4f 5 5d1 configuration between localized (419)