Abstract. Structural alterations of the photobiont and mycobiont cells of lichens have been related to CO2-gas exchange during experiments involving water vapour uptake and desiccation of liquid-water-saturated thalli. Increasing water vapour uptake of air dry lichens led to a gradual unfolding of the photobiont cells in Lobaria pulmonaria, Pseudevernia furfuracea, Ramalina maciformis and Teloschistes lacunosus as studied by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. The data indicated that globular, probably turgid, cells and also slightly infolded or even heavily collapsed cells contributed to positive net photosynthesis, which was reached after water vapour uptake by the four species studied. During desiccation of fully water-saturated thalli of L. pulmonaria, extrathalline water films gradually evaporated before maximum values of CO2-gas exchange were measured and before photobiont cells started to shrivel. In contrast, in P. furfuracea the CO2-gas exchange maximum was reached when a considerable percentage of photobiont cells had already collapsed and while other parts of the thalli were still covered with liquid water. Further desiccation led to cavitation of the cortical cells in both species, this occurring at water contents at which net photosynthesis was still positive.