Graphitic carbon nitrides (CNs) have attracted widespread attention during the last decade, thanks to their potential to address current materials science chal lenges, such as the production of solar fuels by photoelectrochemical means or the catalytic removal of organic pollu tants from water. [1][2][3][4][5] The possibility of tai loring parameters such as charge transfer kinetics, porosity, or energy band positions through approaches including doping, [6] templating, [7] covalent functionalization, [8,9] or the formation of heterojunctions [10] has opened the gate toward the application of CNbased materials in various fields, including bioimaging and electrochemi luminescent devices. [11][12][13][14] However, the rational design of CN materials for these applications remains in its infancy. Typically, to obtain CNbased highly emissive materials, topdown strategies or hydrothermal means are used [15,16] but they do not allow their scalability for industrial applications. Consequently, compatible synthesis with largescale production of CN powders suitable for solidstate fluorescentsensing platforms remains a challenge.During the last few years, our group and others have shown that the utilization of selfassembled supramolecular struc tures for the hightemperature synthesis of CN allows for the preservation of chemical bonds, morphologies, and electronic structures, which permits controlling of CN properties at the molecular level and their largescale production. [17] Notably, highly ordered supramolecular single crystals have been shown to be particularly useful in this regard. [18][19][20] In this work, we exploited these findings to synthesize new triazine based cocrystals composed of melamine and acetoguanamine (AGA), which were subsequently used as precursors for CN via hightemperature reaction. We tuned the precursor crystalline structures to endow the final CNs with a good photolumines cent behavior in both liquid and solid states, as demonstrated by their performance in detecting metal ions (in an aqueous environment) and labeling latent fingerprints (as a solidstate sensing platform).
Results and DiscussionMelaminebased cocrystals were prepared by dissolving mela mine with different amounts of AGA in an aqueous solution Carbon nitride (CN) based materials have emerged as efficient photo-and electrocatalysts for various reactions. However, despite their intriguing optical properties (i.e., fluorescence), their utilization as solid-state sensing platforms remains in its infancy, owing to the formation of defect states during the materials synthesis, leading to low emission for the CN powder. Here, a bottom-up synthesis of CN macrostructures with good photoluminescence properties in both liquid and solid state is introduced, from designed triazinebased cocrystals with ordered morphology and tailored chemical composition. Upon calcination at 500 °C, the starting morphology and chemical composition are retained, resulting in the alteration of the HOMO-LUMO distribution of the CN materials, as further supporte...