In Brazil, equine infectious anemia (EIA) infection is widespread in various regions, with variable prevalence levels. The objective of this work was to determine the epidemiological characteristics that could contribute to its dissemination on the western border of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To accomplish this, an epidemiological questionnaire was administered to equine owners who had experienced EIA-positive animals on their properties from 2009 to 2019. The interviewees were contacted via phone calls, and the questions aimed to identify patterns among properties, on animal management, health, and owner’s knowledge about the infection. The primary information was acquired from the data of the Official Veterinary Service (OVS) through data compilation and tabulation of the official forms. Additionally, the same questionnaire was applied to properties without records of the infection, as control. The results were analyzed using forward logistic regression to explore potential risk associations. Out of a total of 123 focal properties, 28 interviews were completed, six were interrupted or declined, 55 did not respond to phone calls, and 34 had outdated contact information. Among the 30 control properties, 15 agreed to participate in the survey. The results suggest that breeding, management, and sanitary control practices are Similar between focal and control properties. Only two related risk factors could be distinguished for properties that have never engaged in these practices, which were animal transit outside the property and contact with other horses. In addition, it was observed that the official register is outdated for a significant number of properties.