A low loss, high isolation, broadband RF switch has been developed using a novel type of field effect transistor structure that exploits the use of a super-lattice structure in combination with a three dimensional, castellated gate to achieve excellent RF switch performance.
Using an AlGaN/GaN super-lattice epitaxial layer, this SuperLattice Castellated Field Effect Transistor (SLCFET) was used to build 1-18 GHz SPDT RF switches. Measured insertion loss of the SPDT at 10GHz was -0.4 dB, with -35 dB of isolation and -23 dB of return loss, along with a measured linearity OIP3 value 62 dBm and a P0.1dB of 34 dBm. Index Terms -Field effect MMIC, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC), Switches, Wideband.