The seller's risk-indifference price evaluation is studied. We propose a dynamic risk-indifference pricing criteria derived from fully-dynamic risk measures on the L p-spaces for p ∈ [1, ∞]. The concept of fullydynamic risk measures extends the one of dynamic risk measures by adding the actual possibility of changing the risk perspectives over time. This family is then characterised by a double time index. Our framework fits well the study of both short and long term investments. In this paper we analyse whether the risk-indifference pricing criterion actually provides a proper convex price system. It turns out that, depending on p, this is not always the case. Then it becomes necessary and extension of the framework beyond L p. Furthermore, we consider the relationship of the fully-dynamic riskindifference price with no-good-deal bounds. We shall provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the fully-dynamic risk measures so that the corresponding risk-indifference prices satisfy the no-good-deal bounds. Remarkably, the use of no-good-deal bounds also provides a method to select the risk measures and thus construct a proper fullydynamic risk-indifference price system within the L 2-spaces.