Résumé -Depuis l'introduction des
Abstract -Physical performance and ageingSporting events have generated a significant amount of data since the introduction of the modern Olympics Games in 1896. This data now allows an accurate measurement of human physiological capabilities such as the running speed and jumping, throwing distances. The technological innovations, medicine, geopolitical environment, climate, impact athletic performance. Among those, the chronological age has been shown to significantly affect the development of physical and intellectual performance. The resulting shape is asymmetrical and U-inversed, with a similar and limited performance at extreme age bands, and peak performance occurring around the age of 20-30. Other species such as mouse or greyhound also exhibit the same pattern in the age-performance relationship. A few studies have demonstrated the beneficial aspect of physical activity at different age, and the provided gains in terms of longevity. However, further investigations are needed to better understand how the primary energy consumption, economic and environmental aspects can impact this U shaped curve.