Elementary symmetric polynomials S k n are used as a benchmark for the boundeddepth arithmetic circuit model of computation. In this work we prove that S k n modulo composite numbers m = p 1 p 2 can be computed with much fewer multiplications than over any field, if the coefficients of monomials x i1 x i2 · · · x i k are allowed to be 1 either mod p 1 or mod p 2 but not necessarily both. More exactly, we prove that for any constant k such a representation of S k n can be computed modulo p 1 p 2 using only exp(O( √ log n log log n)) multiplications on the most restricted depth-3 arithmetic circuits, for min(p 1 , p 2 ) > k!. Moreover, the number of multiplications remain sublinear while k = O(log log n). In contrast, the well-known Graham-Pollack bound yields an n − 1 lower bound for the number of multiplications even for the exact computation (not the representation) of S 2 n . Our results generalize for other non-prime power composite moduli as well. The proof uses the famous BBR-polynomial of Barrington, Beigel and Rudich.