An obstacle representation of a graph G is a straight-line drawing of G in the plane together with a collection of connected subsets of the plane, called obstacles, that block all non-edges of G while not blocking any of the edges of G. The obstacle number obs(G) is the minimum number of obstacles required to represent G.We study the structure of graphs with obstacle number greater than one. We show that the icosahedron has obstacle number 2, thus answering a question of Alpert, Koch, & Laison asking whether all planar graphs have obstacle number at most 1. We also show that the 1-skeleton of a related polyhedron, the gyroelongated 4-bipyramid, has obstacle number 2. The order of this graph is 10, which is also the order of the smallest known graph with obstacle number 2.Some of our methods involve instances of the Satisfiability problem; we make use of various "SAT solvers" in order to produce computer-assisted proofs.