Using the ozone data set from the satellite observations and the atmospheric reanalysis data sets during 1979-2005, we examine the variability of a tropopause-lower stratosphere (TS) teleconnection a and its relationship with the ozone change over the Northern Hemisphere (NH) during summer. The TS teleconnection has an approximate opposite phase to that in the upper-troposphere Asian-Pacific Oscillation (APO), and the TS teleconnection index (the TS index) is also related well to the APO index. Corresponding to a higher TS index, the ozone generally decreases in the NH mid-high latitudes (near 40 ∘ N and the Far East of Russia). This link between the TS teleconnection and the ozone is physically supported by the changes of the background atmospheric circulation. When the TS index is higher, the decrease of the ozone is closely associated with an increase of the local tropopause height. The upward and downward motion variations in the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere in the east and west parts of the anomalous anticyclones associated with the TS index strengthen the exchanges of the ozone between the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, which may cause a decrease of the ozone. The horizontal advection of the ozone could also contribute to the ozone decreases over these regions.