The aim of the present study was to find the rate of caesarean deliveries and various indications of the procedure. Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, on women who underwent LSCS over a period of 4 months. Out of the 445 deliveries, 200 were delivered by cesarean section. All the mothers who underwent LSCS in this hospital in the designated period were included in this study. Results: The LSCS prevalence was 44.94% in our institution. We have assessed the common indications of LSCS performed in this study population. In our study group, the range of age varies from 18 to 43 years with an average of 27.37±4.21 years, 30% of the women aged between 18-25 years, majority, i.e., 60% belongs to the age group of 26-35 years and only 10% observed in the higher age group. Out of the 200 cases, parity was distributed almost equally in this study group, i.e., 45% were primigravidae, and 55% were multigravida. 5% of the LSCS occurred at <32 weeks of gestation and 25% between 32-36 weeks. The majority of the LSCS were delivered between 37-40 weeks (70%) of gestation. Mode of conception was spontaneous for 97%, and 3% received infertility treatments. Mode of conception was spontaneous for 97%, and 3% received infertility treatments. LSCS was mostly done for 'previous LSCS' indication (42%), followed by failure of induction of labor (25%). Fetal distress was an indication in 40 cases (8%), Breech presentation in 6%, PPROM in 5%, CPD in 4%. Other indications such as preeclampsia, placenta previa, unfavorable cervix, multiple gestation, abruptio placenta, LSCS on demand etc., was 1%.
Conclusion:Although LSCS indications seen in our institute are the same in most institutions worldwide, efforts should be made to focus on reducing the primary LSCS rates thereby reducing the most common indication of previous LSCS in subsequent pregnancies.