Abstract. The class of strong random reals can be defined via a natural conception of effective null set. We show that the same class is also characterized by a learning-theoretic criterion of 'recognizability'.1. Characterizing randomness. Consider a physical process that, if suitably idealized, generates an indefinite sequence of independent random bits. One such process might be radioactive decay of a lump of uranium whose mass is kept at just the level needed to ensure that the probability is one-half that no alpha particle is emitted in the nth microsecond of the experiment. Let us think of the bits as drawn from {0, 1} and denote the resulting sequence by x with coordinates x 0 , x 1 , . . .. Now wouldn't it be odd if there were a computer program P with the following property? The program will not, in general, allow prediction of x i inasmuch as there is no requirement that the ultimate bit b m written by P(i) be marked as final. Nonetheless, shouldn't randomness exclude any computational process from having the kind of intimate knowledge of x i described in 1?
For any input i, P enters a nonterminating routine that writes a nonemptyThe tension engendered by 1 afflicts a celebrated theory of randomness developed over the last half century. 2 The theory offers diverse criteria, each well motivated, for the concept 'infinite sequence of random bits'. Remarkably, the criteria yield the same collection of sequences -a collection, moreover, of measure 1 with respect to the 'coin flip' measure on the collection of infinite binary sequences. Despite this evidence for theoretical adequacy, some of the sequences labeled 'random' can be associated with a program P satisfying 1.One response to this state of affairs has been to modify (in a simple and satisfying way) the randomness criteria originally proposed by Martin-Löf (1966). The resulting collection Received xxxxx, 200x. 1 The sequences satisfying 1 correspond to the limit recursive sets of Gold (1965) and trial and error predicates of Putnam (1965); such limits were introduced earlier by Shoenfield (1959) to characterize the sets recursive in 0 .