Abstract:The infl uence of foreign banks on a host country's lending depends on several factors, including the policy of the parent bank, the strategy of entry, economic cycles in the home country and abroad, growth prospects, the indebtedness of commitments and the capital adequacy of the parent bank. During the most recent economic crisis, the credit supply of foreign banks in the 10 new European Union (EU) Member States has not remained stable in the crisis. More specifi cally, we fi nd evidence that foreign banks have cut the credit supply slightly in the new EU Member States.Keywords: credit supply, cyclicality, stability, crisis, foreign ownership JEL Classifi cation: E32, E51, F34, G21
IntroductionGlobalization provides banks with more opportunities to diversify their business strategies, thus reducing the exposure of the banks to particular markets. On the other hand, the low cost of entry into foreign markets intensifi es competition among banks and consequently increases their exposure to the risks of international fi nancial shocks. This is the reason why globalization has intensifi ed the effects in terms of the exposure to international shocks and leads to a greater systemic risk.In order to assess the banking sector's vulnerability to the global environment, we tested the hypothesis that foreign bank ownership has impacted credit supply stability during the fi nancial crisis in the analysed host countries. We analysed the relationship between the loan supplies of foreign banks in the host economies during the period of the recent fi nancial crisis. In our estimates for the European Union (EU) new Member States-10 (NMS -10), we also tried to fi nd evidence for the hypothesis that the foreign banks reacted pro-cyclically to changes in the host country's macroeconomic environment. When economic growth in the host countries decelerates, the foreign banks in the host country might attempt to scale down the credit supply in favour of other profi table regions and may also be encouraged to decelerate the credit supply growth, due to increased bad loan performance.The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The characteristics of the macro environment in the NMS countries are summarized in Section 2. In Section 3, we present an overview of the empirical literature regarding the stability of the credit supply. In Section 4, *1 Mejra Festić, Bank of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia (mejra.festic@bsi.si).The statements in the article do not present the statements of the institution, where the author is employed. DOI: 10.18267/j.pep.543
387Volume 24 | Number 04 | 2015 PRAGUE ECONOMIC PAPERS a theoretical background of the empirical analysis, discussion of the data, methodology of the empirical analysis and the results are explained in detail. The implications of the empirical analysis are revisited in the conclusions.
The Macro Environment in NMS Countries before and during the CrisisMost of the NMS -10 banking sectors, having undergone similar structural changes over a relatively short period of time, sh...