Logic synthesis tools are the core components of digital circuit design, which convert programs written in hardware description languages into gate-level netlists, and optimize the netlists. However, the netlist optimization is complex, with numerous optimization parameters to be configured. Any minor optimization faults in logic synthesis tools may cause circuit diagrams to significantly deviate from the original design, posing risks in target systems. We propose DeLoSo, the
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ptimization faults, the first method specifically designed to identify potential faults in the optimization processes of logic synthesis tools. DeLoSo relies on netlist differences and parameter variations to guide the generation of diverse Logic Synthesis Optimization Configuration (LSOC) combinations to thoroughly test the optimization process. DeLoSo consists of three components: LSOC generator, which generates diverse LSOC combinations through configuration recombination and mutation; LSOC diversity evaluator, which assesses the diversity of optimization configurations; and LSOC validator, which validates the generated LSOC combinations to discover optimization faults. DeLoSo identified 19 faults in two established logic synthesis tools (i.e., Vivado and Yosys); 15 of them have been fixed by vendors. Particularly, the community maintainers of Yosys have considered incorporating DeLoSo into Yosys’ existing test suite.