DOI: 10.1071/fp20247_co
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<i>Corrigendum to</i>: Does the C<sub>4</sub> plant <i>Trianthema portulacastrum</i> (Aizoaceae) exhibit weakly expressed crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)?

Abstract: We examined whether crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is present in Trianthema portulacastrum L. (Aizoaceae), a pantropical, salt-tolerant C4 annual herb with atriplicoid-type Kranz anatomy in leaves but not in stems. The leaves of T. portulacastrum are slightly succulent and the stems are fleshy, similar to some species of Portulaca, the only genus known in which C4 and CAM co-occur. Low- level nocturnal acidification typical of weakly expressed, predominantly constitutive CAM was measured in plants grown fo… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 20 publications
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“…This result was further confirmed by titratable acidity, which showed a significant accumulation of acids overnight in cotyledons. The co-occurrence of C 4 and CAM photosynthesis has already been reported in Aizoaceae, namely for Trianthema portulacastrum (Winter et al, 2021), but this is the first time to report ontogenetic variability with respect to photosynthesis in the Aizoaceae family with CAM in cotyledons and C 4 in leaves. In Amaranthaceae (incl.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 59%
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“…This result was further confirmed by titratable acidity, which showed a significant accumulation of acids overnight in cotyledons. The co-occurrence of C 4 and CAM photosynthesis has already been reported in Aizoaceae, namely for Trianthema portulacastrum (Winter et al, 2021), but this is the first time to report ontogenetic variability with respect to photosynthesis in the Aizoaceae family with CAM in cotyledons and C 4 in leaves. In Amaranthaceae (incl.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 59%
“…Both CCMs share the same core metabolic enzymes, both evolved repeatedly multiple times, however, it seems that they rarely co-occur. So far, the co-occurrence of C 4 and CAM was verified for only four genera, Portulaca (Portulacaceae, Koch and Kennedy, 1980), Spinifex (Poaceae; Ho et al, 2019), Ottelia (Hydrocharitaceae; Han et al, 2020) and Trianthema (Aizoaceae; Winter et al, 2021). Recent evidence demonstrated that C 4 and CAM are operating in the same cells in Portulaca oleracea under drought conditions (Moreno-Villena et al, 2022).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Recent rapid radiations within the Aizoaceae have resulted in many taxa with few nucleotide differences between them ( Klak et al ., 2003 , 2004 ), confounding phylogeny construction ( Klak and Bruyns, 2013 ; Klak et al ., 2017 a , b ). Denser isotopic and titratable acidity sampling has improved knowledge of CAM within the family ( Winter, 2019 ; Winter et al ., 2019 a , 2021 b ; Messerschmid et al ., 2021 ), providing pointers indicating where further investigation is necessary ( Fig. 5 ).…”
Section: Biogeographies Of Selected Cam Lineagesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Carbon isotope ratios (δ 13 C values) of terrestrial and epiphytic plants with CAM that range from ~−8 ‰ to more negative than −30 ‰ are evidence of a ‘continuum’ of CAM phenotypes, among which dark CO 2 fixation by phosphoenolpyrovate carboxylase can contribute anywhere between 100 and close to 0 % of whole-plant carbon gain ( Winter and Holtum, 2002 ). This span translates to extremes of nocturnal acidification from ~300–400 mmol H + kg −1 fresh mass in some arborescent Clusia ( Borland et al ., 1992 ) to levels close to the limits of detection of ~1–3 mmol H + kg −1 fresh mass in some orchids and forbs ( Silvera et al ., 2005 ; Winter et al ., 2019 a , 2021 b ). This massive variation in the contribution of CAM to plant carbon composition indicates that the role of CAM differs among taxa.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%