When applying botulinum toxin in the upper third of the face, it is important to consider the balance between the elevator and depressor muscles of the eyebrows. Depressor supercilii muscle block leads to elevation of the medial portion of the eyebrow and correction of the oblique lines in the frown.
The intention is to highlight the importance of the depressor supercilii muscle block as a useful tool to reposition the medial portion of the eyebrow.
Patients and methods
Three cases are presented, in whom botulinum toxin is applied conventionally and subsequently on the depressor supercilii muscle after the subjective sensation of flattening of the glabella and increasing distance between the eyebrows referred by the patients.
The application of botulinum toxin type A on the depressor supercilii muscle is an effective measure to facilitate the elevation of the medial portion of the eyebrow, after the conventional application in between the eyebrows treating the orbicularis, corrugator, and procerus muscles.
Depressor supercilii muscle block can be considered when applying botulinum toxin type A in the upper third of the face, in cases where there is loss of facial aesthetic harmony. This is given by the subjective perspective of the patient due to a change in the natural expression of their face with a sensation of flattening of the glabella and distancing of the medial portion of the eyebrows, occurring after the use of a conventional technique at that anatomical level, where patients may report a “feline” or “avatar” appearance.