Ritual circumcision is associated with a high rate of complications, mainly if performed by an untrained practitioner. Furthermore, excessive skin removal is a rare complication of this procedure that results in penis “trapping” underneath the skin and future sexual dysfunction. Here, we presented a 45-day-old Yemeni newborn with a trapped penis due to total loss of penile skin during a ritual circumcision performed by a traditional untrained practitioner using the guillotine technique one month ago. The patient underwent surgical exploration, and the penis was deliberated, released, and the skin defect was repaired with a single-step scrotal flap advancement over the penile shaft. At the six-month follow-up, the outcome was both functional and cosmetically satisfying. In conclusion, we recommend that the circumcision procedure be performed at the very least by an educated and skilled health professional. Additionally, a scrotal advancement flap is still an option in significant penile skin loss cases.