Telogen effluvium (TE) is a common form of hair loss characterized by diffuse hair shedding, resulting from the early entry of the hair into the telogen phase. Inducing factors include systemic diseases, stressful events, drugs, nutritional deficiencies, and major surgery. Hair loss occurs 3 months after the causing event and is usually self-limiting, lasting for about 6 months (acute TE). A chronic form of TE also exists, when the duration of hair loss exceeds 6 months. 1,2 Patients with TE, usually women, are often deeply anxious, reporting not sleeping or waking up in the night with their hair as their first thought. The disorder is as frequent and frightening as to make the patient urgently go to the dermatologist. TE may have a profound impact on the patients' mind and would require attention, time, and empathy. 3