This thesis investigated the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and continuous moderate intensity training (CMIT) on maximal exercise capacity (VO2max), resting and exercising hemodynamics, and clinical symptoms in eighteen men and women with Parkinson's Disease. Participants were randomized to HIIT (n=9), or CMIT (n=9) groups and completed two pre-training visits. Participants completed clinical questionnaires and performed a progressive exercise test to determine VO2max. Measurements of arterial stiffness and wave reflection characteristics were recorded. Continuous hemodynamic measurements were recorded during a 2-minute isometric handgrip contraction followed by 3-minutes of post-exercise circulatory occlusion. Participants then completed 10 weeks (3x/week; 1 hour/session) of HIIT or CMIT at the Guelph YMCA followed by the same two days of post-testing. HIIT provided clinically relevant improvements in VO2max, UPDRS part III, and BDI-II scores which were greater compared to CMIT. Both exercise protocols provided no improvements in fatigue and resting or exercising hemodynamics. iii Acknowledgements I would like to start by acknowledging the incredible support my family and friends provided me not only throughout the past two-year journey, but throughout my entire life. Thank you so much for your selflessness and encouragement. I am forever grateful and will continue to push forward, knowing I have you all by my side. Thank you. Secondly, I would like to acknowledge my advisor, Dr. Philip Millar. When I first began this two-year journey, I did not know what to expect, where to start and how to truly think like a scientist. However, after working with you, I have learned to be more independent, persistent, and communicative. Thank you for always being available to your students and putting in countless hours of your time towards us, even when you had other commitments. You are a great role model and your passion for research is contagious.I would also like to acknowledge my committee members Dr. Lori Vallis and Dr. Jamie Burr. Thank you for your continuous help throughout the entire two-year process. Thank you for being so flexible with your time, especially during the numerous testing visits. I also want to thank all of your lab members for their time and flexibility. Without the support from you all, the study would not be where it is today.Finally, I would like to thank my lab mates, Anthony, Jordan, Massimo, Andre, Muhammad, Joseph, and Mitchell. Thank you for all the help and support during this process. I am very lucky to have had such dependable and kind peers. A special thanks to Anthony and Jordan for being great role models and always being there when I had any questions or issues.