NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Database was analyzed between November-December, 2021 to decipher the spread of Delta corona virus variants in the USA and compared with highly transmissible new omicron variant recently originated in South Africa. Presently, B.1.617.2 and AY.103 lineages Delta variants with spike protein L452R, T478K, P681R mutations and F157/R158 two amino acids deletions were predominant in the USA and superseded the deadly outbreaks of B.1.1.7 Alpha variant with deletions of H69, V70 and Y145 amino acids as well as N501Y, and D614G highly transmissible mutations. Interestingly, omicron variant has six H69, V70, V143, Y144, Y145, L212 immune-escape deletions as well as 29 mutations in the spike protein including most deadly N501Y (Y498 in omicron) and D614G (G611 in omicron). This indicated that omicron variant was originated by combination among B.1.1.7, AY.X and B.1.617.2 lineages. A unique three amino acids (EPE) insertion at 215 position of spike protein was detected to compensate six deletions suggesting further recombination events. Three Serine residues were mutated at amino acids 371 (S=L, L368 in omicron), 373 (S=P, P370 in Omicron), 375 (S=F, F372 in omicron) but compensated at 446 (G=S, S443 in omicron) and 496 (G=S, S493 in omicron) at the RBD domain of omicron virus. The three amino acids (ERS) deletion at position 30 in the N-protein acts as another signature of omicron virus. Omicron variant has less mutation in the 2/3 5’-end of the genome that codes for ORF1ab poly-protein but dominant P4715L mutation in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. However, overall amino acid composition, alipathic index, and instability index were found fairly constant although hydrophobic plot gave some difference between spike protein of Wuhan and omicron corona viruses. BLAST search detected 20nt and 19nt perfect match of hyper-variable 22957-22977nt region comprising 488-493 amino acids (NH2-PLRSYS-CO2H) of the spike protein of omicron virus with the ch-2 of Seladonia tumulorum or ch-16 of Steromphala cineraria respectively. A primer set designed from the RBD domain of spike gene did not detected the omicron genome by BLAST search but primers from the constant regions of the genome worked well. Such hyper-variation in the spike protein suggested that DNA vaccine or mRNA vaccine using spike gene of corona virus may not efficiently protect omicron virus infection and attenuated whole corona virus vaccine will be safer vaccine.